Anyways, about my hair... If I were balls-ey enough I would do this.
But for now I think Im going to do this...
Then slowly work my way to the other one.
By the way, in case you're wondering. This girl is Pixie Geldof. Yesterday I was searching "short blonde hair" in google and she kept pulling up, I searched her name and she has done some really awesome hairstyles! I'll speak more of her later.
Ciao for now
Okay, well this is kind of an odd thing to blog about, but I can relate to this chic! I recently went blonde from a natural brunette and her expressions in her quotes is so relatable to how I feel. Not to mention that she looks absolutely gorgeous as a blonde. Her complection pulls it right in. I love to see pale pure skin with a platinum blonde. That's what I love to see. Not tan, overworked skin. If that's you, I'm not pointing fingers here.
-Pretty neat.
“My music is a little more edgy so that inspired me to be adventurous.”
“The look has affected the way I dress, it’s inspired me to be more adventurous with what I decide to wear. It’s silly that something so simple as changing your hair could have such a big effect.”
“I’m just having fun with it. This is a great time for me to do something different. I’m young — I always try to have a good time.”
You go girl. (:
I was looking up a few things online that I was interested in, and decided to order a few books on the subjects as well. I logged onto my dad's Amazon.com account and ordered away!
I ordered three books. Edie: American Girl, How to Write Articles for News/Mags and also a Merriam-Webster's Pocket Dictionary. I'm super excited to receive them! I hope to be ordering a lot more books from now on to start on my future library. I was looking through the 2010 Ikea catalogue I received via mail and can't wait to order some Billy Bookshelves! It'll be such a sheek library. I'll post pictures through the process.
From Left: Beanies at Luella, Twenty8Twelve and Paul Smith
I want fall to be here! I just decided that I'm going to learn how to knit. Crochet. All the above. A nice saggy beanie would be perfect, if only the weather agreed.
Source: time
Ooooh, how I just love red lipstick. It just works with everything and for everyone. And screw people who think you have to be able to 'pull it off', that's bull shit. It's great. Not to mention that it works with every hair color and complection.
Sources: google images, fmfy, photobucket
Alison Mosshart and Jamie Hince. Roamin' the streets with my favorite model Kate Moss, and Mary-Kate Olsen.